100% Fair & Transparent unfixable betting on the Tron blockchain, House edge is always 2.5%

Feeling Lucky ? Guess the Last Digit of the Next Tron Block Hash to Win »


What do you think the last digit of next Tron block hash will be ?

Pick up to 8 digits. More picks have a better chance of winning. Less picks have a higher win payout.

imgClick on digits to pick your choices and see your odds.

Bet whole amounts. Minimum bet is 1 TRX, maximum is 1000 TRX. Payments above maximum will be played at maximum and rest treated as a donation.

Block Bet

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Bet instantly with your Tron wallet. Your bet will be played in the next block after your stake is received.

Block Bet

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Choose which digits to bet on and place your wager by sending your stake directly from your Tron wallet.

Block Bet

Get Winnings

Your winnings will be sent directly to your TRON wallet in the following block after your bet is played.

Are you looking for a way to make fast, secure, and un-cheatable bets? Look no further! Our revolutionary product allows you to make bets on the last digit of the next Tron blockchain hash.

We use the latest blockchain technology to ensure that your bets are tamper-proof, completely secure and fair. Plus, we provide instant payouts so you can enjoy your winnings in no time. Try it today and let the winning begin!

Block # Block Hash Digits Picked Stake Win % Odds Return
50871188 ... 1,3,5,7,8,a,b,d 1 TRX 50.00% 1.95x 1.95 TRX
50871163 ... 1,3,5,7,9,b,c,d 1 TRX 50.00% 1.95x 1.95 TRX
50057148 ... 3,5,6,a,c,d 2 TRX 37.50% 2.60x 5.20 TRX
50057123 ... 3,5,6,a,c,d 1 TRX 37.50% 2.60x 2.60 TRX
49177759 ... 3,5,a,c,d 1 TRX 31.25% 3.12x 3.12 TRX
49177743 ... 0,2,5,7,8,a,d,f 7 TRX 50.00% 1.95x 13.65 TRX
49174383 ... 0,4,5,7,9,a,b,c 15 TRX 50.00% 1.95x 29.25 TRX
49174301 ... 0,3,6,7,a,b,c,f 1 TRX 50.00% 1.95x 1.95 TRX
49174295 ... 0,1,8,9,a,c,d,f 3 TRX 50.00% 1.95x 5.85 TRX
49174280 ... 0,1,2,3,6,c,d,e 3 TRX 50.00% 1.95x 5.85 TRX